4 life-changing books everyone should read

I’ve recently read some amazing books and I thought I’d share them with you. I recommend all of these books for different reasons. I’ll give you my take on each one below:

  • The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success : This book was an easy read, and definitely gave my husband and I food for thought. The seven spiritual laws of success are Depak Chopra’s 7 laws for happy, abundant living. This book was simple and concise, but inspiring and thought provoking. It’s an easy read but definitely provides some counterintuitive advice. If you’re interested in the law of attraction, this book is a must-read. While Chopra never mentions the law of attraction in the book, these principles are definitely in alignment with it.

  • Creating Affluence: Another one of Deepak Chopra’s works. This book is similar to the Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, but even more concise. Each page addresses a different concept for attracting abundance into your life. This is a perfect book for a morning routine as you can read one page everyday in very little time, and each concept is an inspiring, thought-provoking idea you can practice putting into action throughout the rest of your day. I checked this one out from the library but am considering purchasing to have for future reference. This book is also in alignment with Law of Attraction principles.

  • Bringing Yoga to Life: This book will always have a special place in my heart, as I read it throughout our Bali trip. If you are a yogi, this is a must read. Donna Farhi has so much wisdom, and truly understands what it means to practice yoga. This book does not address yoga postures one bit, but rather discusses the yoga philosophy with real-life examples from Donna’s life that make the concepts easy to understand. Again, a guide for living life, and practicing yoga. As I read, I underlined important or poignant statements and I still flip through it to re-read those ideas. I can honestly say that I’m a better person because I read this book.

  • The War of Art: This is another must read, for everyone. The War of Art is a book about resistance, all the ways it shows up in one’s life, and how to overcome it. Resistance shows up anytime we attempt to make a positive change in our lives. Everyone experiences resistance, and therefore everyone can benefit from this book. This was such a simple read, each page packed full of inspiration and wisdom. Every page addresses another aspect of resistance and thus can be read all at once, or used as a 1-page-per-day type of book. I purchased this book after returning it to the library to have and reference when needed. You will feel so pumped up and unstoppable after reading this. If you need that extra push to make a change in your life, this is the book for you.

I am always on the hunt for new reads so let me know in the comments below if you have any suggestions! Happy reading, and I hope you found some new book ideas above.