Pregnancy update

I’ve mentioned briefly on the blog that my husband and I are expecting a baby boy. I’m currently 37 weeks pregnant and my doctor predicts that baby boy will come early. Matt and I are both excited and nervous. I’m mostly nervous for the birth and labor. Thankfully, labor and delivery are temporary and so even if it’s traumatic, it will pass. I must say, there have been things about this pregnancy I couldn’t have predicted like the nausea and vomiting which never really went away and continues to plague me even into the final stretch. Feeling so sick, and having very little control over my appetite did help me to let go of control and to realize that while there are some things I have control over, I’m also along for the ride in many ways and need to go with the flow. Being pregnant during a pandemic was also something I couldn’t have predicted, or prepared for. The coronavirus brought an entirely new set of worries as an upcoming parent. Suddenly contact with others, door handles, and stores became something to be feared. Trying to figure out how to proceed during and after pregnancy has been quite a journey as well, as after our baby is born, it’s going to look very different in terms of who and when we will be able to introduce our baby to others. Our birthing and lactation classes were canceled so we turned to online resources. Our baby shower was canceled and yet so many friends and family continued to provide us support, and send us gifts that we desperately needed for our baby. We were able to video chat with loved ones, and to be honest, we’ve never felt so supported. Friends and family have rallied behind us and given us so much advice, love and support and we couldn’t be more grateful.

Words can’t express how grateful I am to have Matt by my side through all of this. I truly married my best friend and soulmate. There’s nobody better I could go through life with or choose to raise a child with. I don’t know if I could have gotten this far without him and all of his support, love and strength. This journey has helped me reflect on all that’s good in my life, and there’s truly a lot!

When the baby does arrive, I plan on taking some time to live in my bubble, get to know our little boy, and soak up every second of the experience. That means the Happiness Collective will be on hold too. Until baby boy arrives, expect new posts every Wednesday and Friday, and after that please follow along on Instagram for updates on how we are doing as a family. Happiness Collective will resume, however I’m sure there will be changes. I haven’t figured out what those changes will look like as there’s no way to predict what life will be like moving forward as a mother. There are so many things you just can’t fully understand until you experience them and I think parenthood is one such experience. Thank you for being a part of this family thus far and I look forward to having you all be a part of this journey with us as well.