Posts tagged personal growth
21 morning rituals to elevate and uplift your day

I have talked about the importance of the morning before on this blog. I’m a firm believer that how you start your day greatly influences the trajectory of your day. If you start your day with intention, the rest of your day is more likely to be spent intentionally. If you start your day without intention, simply resisting and reacting to life, the rest of your day is more likely to be spend resisting and reacting. Morning routines provide us a way

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The importance of paradigm shifts for making life changes

Our paradigm is what creates our reality. We can perceive a glass as half full or half empty. Both perspectives would be technically correct but each perspective has very different implications on how we feel about our situations, and can thus illicit a chain of events that look drastically different. The person who sees the glass as half full might feel grateful, lucky, wealthy and thus be happier, feel more content with his life situation, or

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8 more things that are truly a waste of time

There are so many things that we do, myself included, that are a waste of time. I worry about things I have no control over and I’m a people pleaser by nature. I’ve also come to realize that both of these habits are mainly a waste of time and energy. This post is a continuation of the 7 things that are a waste of time. See the first part here. Interestingly, after I’d finished this list, I realized the majority of items below relate to

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True Happiness is...

True happiness happens in the small moments of gratitude, as we sip our cup of coffee in the morning or cuddle with our kids. True happiness doesn’t come from fancy belongings, the newest electronics, or more stuff. It radiates when we practice loving those we hold dear all the while knowing that we are loved too. True happiness comes from the journey, the moment we step off a plane in a foreign land we’ve been

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Breaking down your brain waves Part IV and conclusion

Delta brain wave states tend to be associated with deep sleep. They are the slowest frequency with the highest amplitude. Delta brain waves are present when we are in deep sleep. They are also a time for the body to begin it’s rejuvenation and repair which is why good quality sleep is so critical. As mentioned in part III, while adults operate in beta brainwave state majority of the time children’s brain wave states are typically delta and theta. It isn’t until around age 12 that children’s brainwaves begin to change to beta. There is truth to the term “beauty sleep” as this truly is a time that is most restorative.

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On gratitude and indications of an extraordinary good fortune

Whenever I find myself in a negative place or a low place, I realize that I’ve lost touch with gratitude. I’ve written about my daily gratitude journal practice before, but yesterday’s gratitude journal was extraordinarily powerful. In the moments that I was journaling, I became acutely aware of how much I have to be grateful for. It reminded me of an excerpt from “Brining Yoga to Life” by Donna Farhi. Of course, this is in the context of yoga practice, but it could truly be appreciated by anyone reading this post. Please enjoy the excerpt below:

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Breaking down your brain waves Part II

Alpha is the next brain wave state we are going to talk about, a state that’s engaged when you’re in a relaxed state. These brain waves operate at a slower frequency, but slightly higher amplitude than beta brain waves. Alpha brain wave state is often associated with a relaxed body and/or mind state as well as creativity. People will have great ideas, or be in the creative zone when they are in an alpha brain wave state. You might slip into an alpha brain wave state when you are in the shower, floating in a pool, engaged in something creative like playing music or creating art, laying down for bed, walking or running, meditating or practicing yoga.

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Weekend Inspo

Matt and I talk a lot about standards. We’ve found that when we raise our standards, the universe usually comes through with something better for us. Getting clear on what you want also involves getting clear on what you don’t want. Have you been wasting your energy chasing things that, in actuality, you don’t want? If you can stop chasing the wrong things, you free up energy and space in your life for new and better things

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The best analogy for success

I was listening to a Podcast this weekend by Dean Grazioso on success. Dean offered a new perspective on the road to success. He explained most people make the mistake of thinking there’s one big secret to success. Often, success is made up of many small things which include building positive habits, breaking down limiting beliefs, and letting go of obligations or responsibilities which don’t serve you. He used the

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