Posts tagged vacation
Happiness | Collective Break

Hi all. Matt and I are taking a much needed vacation in Joshua Tree National Park, and Palm Springs. We start out our week-long trip with 4 days on a ranch near Joshua Tree, in the desert. We plan on hiking a ton, watching the stars at night, and enjoying the desert scenery. The last few days will be spent in Palm Springs relaxing at a nice resort. Regular blog posts will resume in two short days on Friday. We hope to

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One trick for cultivating gratitude

Sometimes I’m surprised by the fact that I’m a grown up, but when I remember that I am, in fact, an actual adult I’m also reminded about how I’m responsible for creating my life. Nobody else. I’m solely responsible for the life that I have, and it’s easy to get caught up in the wanting of the next thing. There are so many dreams I have for my future, so many things and experiences I want. If you’re anything like me, then you

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