21 morning rituals to elevate and uplift your day

I have talked about the importance of the morning before on this blog. I’m a firm believer that how you start your day greatly influences the trajectory of your day. If you start your day with intention, the rest of your day is more likely to be spent intentionally. If you start your day without intention, simply resisting and reacting to life, the rest of your day is more likely to be spend resisting and reacting. Morning routines provide us a way to start our day with intention, to take control of the first part of our day and begin it on our terms. A morning routine gives you control over some part of your day, as well as one opportunity to influence your mindset, and fill your mind body and spirit with what you want to fill it with. My husband and I start our day with gratitude journal and meditation. We have been religiously practicing this morning routine for at least 8 months and have noticed a positive change in how the rest of our moods, thoughts, and emotions go afterwards as well as our productivity and discipline throughout the day. To read even more on morning routine check out my previous post here on how a morning routine can change your life. Morning routines don’t have to be geared towards personal growth, they can also just be a way to show yourself love, to start your day enjoying and appreciating simple pleasures, or as a means of prioritizing happiness and pleasure. Below is a list of morning routine activities that might help elevate and uplift you:

  1. Journaling

  2. Meditation

  3. Yoga

  4. Taking a walk

  5. Enjoying your coffee/tea without electronics

  6. Avoiding electronics all together

  7. Practice visualization

  8. Read

  9. Listen to a podcast

  10. Spend time with your pet

  11. Plan your day

  12. Practice gratitude

  13. Read inspiring quotes

  14. Get out in nature

  15. Watch the sunrise

  16. Nourish your body with healthy food or lemon water

  17. Practice affirmations

  18. Exercise

  19. Hot or cold shower

  20. Make the bed and tidy your space

  21. Breathwork

Your morning routine doesn’t have to be lengthy. The important part is that it’s intentional so plan out what activity you’d like to start your day with and how much time you want to dedicate to that activity and then stick to it. It could be 10 minutes if that’s all you have, but if you set a goal to journal for 10 minutes per day and you actually follow through with it, you’re going to feel good about that. My recommendation is to make a goal to practice some type of morning routine for at least 2 weeks just to give yourself time to establish the routine, and to give time for the routine time to take effect.