Posts tagged gluten free
The easiest 3-ingredient vegan chocolate milkshake

Okay, I can’t believe I haven’t shared this recipe here yet because it’s sooo crazy easy, delicious, and takes no time to make. You will need frozen bananas so it does require some planning ahead. In our house, when bananas start to go bad, we simply peel them and stick them in the freezer. Then we use them frozen for nice cream or vegan milkshakes. I’ve even defrosted them and used them for baking so when Matt tries to give

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Acai Bowls

For some reason I’ve been craving lots of fruit during my pregnancy. This includes acai bowls. At first Matt was picking me up acai bowls from a local cafe but then we realized we could just make them at home and pile on all of the fresh seasonal fruit we have right now. These bowls are perfect for the hot weather that accompanies summertime, as they’re such a refreshing meal. I love to top my acai bowls with fruit and

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The easiest granola recipe you must try

We have gone through a few batches of granola here since the pandemic started. The recipe I use is too easy not to just keep repeating. We use the granola with yogurt and fruit, pour milk over it with some sliced bananas for a little snack, or use it on all the acai bowls I’ve been craving. This recipe only calls for a few ingredients, none of which are too exotic so you should have most if not all of the ingredients on hand already.

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